GPS on Kindle by Lorenzo Maccone (hacking code by Dave Schneider) **************************************** INSTALL: Uses the following apps: 1. KickWeb server (or any android web server with php support): install and put all the files of the zip into the folder /sdcard/htdocs. The files are: root@s5250:/sdcard/htdocs # ls -R .: css googlekey jquery.min.js readme.txt waitingmap.gif get-gps.php index.php map.html waiting.gif ./css: ccompBonW.css 2. BlueNMEA (TCP sockets: listening on port 4352) 3. OPTIONAL: Figure out a way to keep the two above apps running in background (otherwise android will kill them after about ten minutes on my phone). I added at the bottom of /system/build.prop the following two lines: sys.keep_app_1=name.kellermann.max.bluenmea-1 sys.keep_app_1=com.nokshaserv then I remounted the /system filesystem in my phone as read-write, and cd /data/app/ mv name.kellermann.max.bluenmea-1/ com.nokshaserv-1/ /system/app cd /system/app chown root:root -R name.kellermann.max.bluenmea-1/ com.nokshaserv-1/ then reboot the phone. (There are probably easier ways to do this! Don't mess with /system otherwise your phone will stop working, if you don't know how to do the above things, do not attempt.) **************************************** RUN: 1. Activate phone wi-fi Hotspot 2. open the two apps: kickweb and bluenmea. 3. Connect kindle (or kobo, or sony or whatever) to the phone hotspot. Open the browser on your kindle (or whatever device) and navigate to the address of the hotspot, usually: (to find the IP address of the phone's hotspot, look for the "gateway" address of any device that is attached to that hotspot). **************************************** TEST: L'1/11/2017 ho fatto un lungo giro in bici e dopo 5 ore e 75 Km, dava un errore di 1% rispetto al contachilometri della bici riguardo alla distanza totale (2% rispetto al Garmin etrex) e dava il numero identico riguardo alla velocita' media. Il problema principale e' che ci sono fluttuazioni istantanee piuttosto grandi: la velocita' oscilla molto e non e' reattivo (e' sempre indietro di un paio di secondi). La direzione e' corretta rispetto al Garmin. **************************************** Sunrise/sunset doesn't work yet.